Johannes Kepler University Linz

Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) presents participation both as a leader and as a partner in projects concerning (web) accessibility / training in web accessibility as well as ICT for / with people with disabilities. The Institute Integriert Studieren (IIS) was established in 1991 to serve and support students with disabilities in their studies at JKU as well as provide teaching and research activities in the area of Assistive Technologies, (web) accessibility and accessibility in its most comprehensive context. IIS in its research and teaching activities is part of the faculty of computer science, providing a strong technical and engineering background. The Institute also planned, implemented and held university courses on Assistive Technologies and Accessibility and is a partner in an extensive set of academic and vocational programs in this domain. Every second year since 1996, the institute has organised the biggest and most influential scientific conference on “Computer helping people with special needs –ICCHP” with an own publication (Springer Lecture note in Computer Science –within the highest 5% of all LNCS downloads on Springer Online) as well as a widespread and comprehensive set of topical areas for research and development on accessibility and Assistive Technologies with more than 600 delegates from all over the world in every edition. IIS has a strong background in User Centered Design (UCD) for the target group based on the R&D for the Easy Reading project. This framework and also in particular developed the IPAR-UCD method (Inclusive Participatory Action Research for UCD and their accessible design, accessibility as a domain for teaching. IIS has a strong background in general eAccessibility of more than 25 years which will be made available both for platform and content creation. Two spin-off organisations of IIS are relevant for the project and will be available: the KI-I  competence centre including 7 co-researchers with intellectual disabilities and BookAccess, the unit producing accessible teaching and learning materials for school students in Austria.


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